We are delighted to announce the pre-launch of a brand new market, Ghana, Africa. This pre-launch comes with plans to set a solid foundation that lead to a successful launch.
“We’re amazed, but not surprised, that we were able to open Ghana as Rain’s newest market. We have an incredible pool of leaders and partners that have put us in a prime position, as well as a powerful product that’s needed. That’s made all the difference in opening a budding market like Ghana. We’re excited to see what this market does with our products and our opportunity.” - Byron Belka
The current population of Ghana is about 31 million, and is a prime market indeed. One whose need for our seed-based products is high, and excitement for network marketing is higher. Russ Cowley, Rain’s Vice President, said this about the announcement:
We’ve always said that Rain is recession-proof, and now we know that that statement is completely true. To bring a product and a company like Rain to a country like Ghana is almost a dream. We think they’re ready for us, for the opportunity we provide, and for the products we produce. It’s going to be amazing to watch what happens as soon as we open the floodgates.”
Rain International has continued to expand throughout the globe since its opening in 2011. This growth hasn’t seemed to slow. They attribute much of growth to their scientifically-backed, seed-based products, amazing leaders and partners, whose testimonials, work ethic, and leadership create growth and expansion, as well as their steady expansion model.