We have always been deeply rooted in science. Our first product was created by researchers and scientists who wanted to nourish those in intensive care units. Rain understands that dedication to scientific validation, research, and discovery, has deep implications in the world of supplements and seed-based nutrition.
This understanding not only sets us apart from other supplement-based companies, allowing us to create better, more powerful products, but has pushed them to pursue relationships and partnerships with third-party validators, scientific bodies, and professional individuals who can both support and push seed science forward.
This attitude is led us to create important partnerships, like the recently formed relationship with the University of Maryland, other, third-party testing centers, and our newest partnership with MD John Templeman (also known as Dr. T). Dr. T is a powerful figure in both the world of modern medicine and the quickly expanding supplementation market.
He’s been an intrinsic part in the development and betterment of countless products that have impacted millions around the globe. He’s also provided a powerful voice that gives a much-needed scientific backing to these products.
CEO and Founder of Rain International, Byron Belka spoke with excitement of this new partnership:
“We had heard quite a bit about Dr. T before our formal partnership was solidified. We were always impressed with what he’d been able to bring to the companies he worked with, and how he was able to transform their products, scientific processes, and validation. The sage wisdom, intelligence, and research with which he approaches his job has not only improved internal functions, but enhanced the health and wellness of the consumer. We couldn’t be more excited to bring him to Rain as a scientific partner. We can’t wait to see how he strengthens our relationship with science, our products’ effectiveness, and the creation of future products.”
Dr. Templeman, whose professional career is as colorful as it has been impactful, shares Byron’s excitement for a bright future:
“I was very attracted to the idea of seed-based nutrition. Seeds are the ideal source to provide nutrition, and what Rain International has been able to do with them thus far is intriguing and important. I feel like it has infinite possibilities, a potential to stand out, and an ability to be even more effective than it has already been. Rain not only understands the importance of scientific validation, but is dedicated to infusing it into their products. I’m looking forward to being a part of future product development, education, and endorsement of these powerful creations.”
Dr. T’s background is an interesting anomaly within the scientific and medical field, but it’s one that has led him to the powerful position he stands in today. He didn’t enter medical school until he was 36. Instead, he spent the early parts of his professional career as a Canadian Diplomat.
As he traveled the world, often to third world countries, he became particularly interested in the Eastern medicinal practices he witnessed. He marveled at their ability to heal without the medical advancements that were so prevalent in the Western world. His interest increased so much that he felt compelled to go back to school to become a doctor.
Dr. T says that his journey is the opposite of many medical professionals:
“Most of the time, you have medical professionals who start in the world of western medicine, then discover the need for the preventative power of eastern medicine. Mine was reversed. I saw the importance of eastern medicine, which drew me to the marvel of western medicine. I realized that, drugs are, in a large part, an imitation of nature. It’s always better to work with the original rather than the imitation. So, now, we see how we can blend these two disciplines together.”
He graduated from McMaster University School of Medicine in Ontario Canada, and then practiced as a very successful physician. Additionally, because Dr. T understood the absolute importance of preventative, natural medicine, he was led to consult with various supplement companies, improving their scientific backing, their ingredient decks, and their overall, product efficacy. He has since consulted with many supplement companies, improving thousands of products and handling the creation and formulation of hundreds more.
This partnership between Dr. T and Rain will benefit more than these two parties. What is improved, created, and endorsed through this relationship will benefit hundreds of thousands who use the power of seed nutrition, daily. The interesting science of seed-based nutrition has only scratched the surface. But, with the continual creation of meaningful relationships, just like this one, we should see incredible strides made in the near future.